Impact of Affordable Care Act on Health Insurance

  • Tech Stack: Python, scikit-learn, numpy, pandas
  • Github URL: Project Link

In this project, I conducted a thorough examination of the Affordable Care Act's (ACA) influence on health insurance coverage throughout the United States. Employing Python and Machine Learning methodologies, I meticulously analyzed data to gauge the ACA's effects on the nation's healthcare landscape. Through this analysis, I identified states where significant declines in uninsured rates were observed, often attributed to the expansion of Medicare/Medicaid programs and the implementation of healthcare marketplaces facilitated by the ACA. Additionally, predictive analysis techniques were employed to forecast a continued nationwide decline in uninsured rates, providing valuable insights into the long-term impacts of the ACA on healthcare accessibility in the USA.

The project delivers detailed analysis reports highlighting the findings and implications of the ACA on health insurance coverage trends. Accompanied by informative visualizations, these reports provide clear insights into observed trends and predictions, offering valuable perspectives on the effectiveness of policy interventions like the ACA in enhancing healthcare accessibility and coverage nationwide. Through this endeavor, the goal is to contribute to a deeper understanding of the evolving healthcare landscape in the United States and the potential implications for policy and healthcare provision moving forward.