1854 John Snow's Cholera Map Re-creation Using d3.js

  • Tech Stack: Python, HTML, CSS, d3.js, BootStrap
  • Github URL: Project Link
  • Website URL: Link

Embark on a journey through a pivotal moment in epidemiological history with an interactive recreation of John Snow's 1854 cholera map outbreak investigation. Delve into the meticulous work of Dr. John Snow, a London physician who pioneered modern mapping techniques to track the spread of cholera within the city. Through his dot map, Snow identified a concentration of cases around a specific water pump on Broad Street, ultimately attributing the outbreak to contaminated water from this source. His groundbreaking investigation marked a significant milestone in the application of epidemiology to understand and mitigate disease outbreaks.

In this individual project, D3.js, a powerful JavaScript library, is employed to recreate John Snow's iconic map with added interactive features and supplementary charts. D3.js enables dynamic data visualization, empowering us to present complex information in an intuitive and engaging manner. By leveraging D3.js, I not only honor Snow's pioneering work but also demonstrate proficiency in modern web development and data visualization techniques. This project serves as a testament to the enduring relevance of Snow's investigation and showcases the transformative potential of interactive data visualization in addressing public health challenges.