Sales Analysis using Tableau

  • Tech Stack: Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Tableau
  • Website URL: Link
  • Github URL: Project Link

This project was a pivotal endeavor in honing advanced skills in Tableau dashboard creation and data visualization techniques. Utilizing video game sales data spanning from 1980 to 2020 as the foundation, the objective was not only to explore industry trends but also to push the boundaries of Tableau's capabilities.

Through the creation of a sophisticated Tableau dashboard, various complex data visualization techniques were implemented. This included interactive visualizations, trend analysis, geographical mapping, and correlation analysis among multiple variables such as game titles, publishers, platforms, genres, and regional sales data.

The process of building this advanced dashboard provided an opportunity to delve deep into Tableau's functionalities, experimenting with advanced features and exploring novel ways to present and analyze data effectively. Iterative refinement and experimentation led to the development of a visually compelling and highly informative dashboard.

Moreover, by challenging conventional approaches to data visualization and exploring innovative ways to present insights, this project significantly expanded skills in creating engaging and insightful dashboards that go beyond basic charts and graphs.

Overall, this project served as a catalyst for enhancing Tableau proficiency and fostering creativity in visualizing data, equipping with the expertise to tackle complex data visualization challenges in future endeavors.